Sunday 4 November 2012

Needle Felted Christmas Card

Hello there and thank you for dropping by by my little place on the web!

For a little while now I have been constantly switching between card making and needle felting.  I work full time so that always leaves me wishing I had more time for one or the other!  I have an addiction to stationery so can never stay away from card making for too long.  However, I love the creative freedom that Needle Felting gives me  plus I can needle felt a characted far better than I could ever draw it and i love the touchy feely nature if it!

I found myself wishing there was a way I could combine both...then suddenly it dawned on me that there was!  Wool roving is incredibly light which makes it a perfect medium for creating elements to go on cards!  I knew I didn't want to create a 'wool painting'  which is what many people do when combining needle felting and cards,although I adore looking at 'wool paintings' and some are truly incredible,it just isn't my style! My favourite style of needle felting is sculpural so, after a few false starts, I finally completed my first needle felted Christmas card featuring Doogie - Santa's Chief Sellotaper!

He took far longer than expected so I need to try and get the time it takes me to make them down otherwise I will still be making this years cards next year! Other than that I am thrilled with the way the card turned out!  He is very kookie which is the look I wanted him to have but, my other half did point out that he wouldn't be to everyones taste! I think my sister will adore him though and she is very heavy handed with the sellotape herself when it comes to wrapping presents so I am could sure she could do with a bir of his wisdom!

Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on him!  I love the fact that he makes the card so touchy feely and one that, hopefully, one that will be framed and used as a Christmas decoration in years to come rather than relegated to the card draw!

It has been so long since I blogged but I always enjoyed taking part in Handmade Monday hosted by Wendy Massey of 1st Unique Gifts so I went off in search of her blog, for a momnent I paniced that it was no more but it seems that she has cimply crteated a new placed called Handmade Habour phew!  so I'm off not to take a good look around - it looks very interesting!

Thank you for reading and I hope you stop by again soon!



  1. Good luck with getting your cards down to a reasonable turn around time. They look fab - but do like they take a lot of effort

    1. Thank you Helen! They do take a bit of effort but the result is worth it - I have a few tweaks in mind so will see how it goes!

  2. I think he is great. It is a brilliant idea - is there a way that you could make the felted characters easily detachable so they could easily become tree decorations the following idea. It is such a great idea and I bet that if you don't make it obvious people wouldn't think of it.

    1. Making them detachable is a great idea - I will have to put my thinking hat on!

      It's was one of those obvious but not so obvious ideas which seemed to take forever to come up with but when I did I wondered what took me so long!

  3. I love him!! I think you have something special and definitely saleable there. Yes, of course you need to get your time down, but new ideas always take longer... you will get faster. Also, if you're thinking of selling then I think these could command quite a reasonable price tag (especially if you could personalise the felted artwork). I'm so glad you found your way over to Handmade Harbour to join in Handmade Monday!! x

    1. Thank you Wendy! I am still bouncing the selling idea around in my head but I think I would like to when I have refined the idea a bit more! I haven;t really seen anything similar so pricing will be fun!! :)

      I am glad I found Handmade Harbour too, thanks for hosting it :)


  4. the card looks great, the combination works well!
    i can't wait to have a go at needle-felting it looks such a versatile craft. I already have the same prob as you with working full time, never enough hours for crafting, so i'm sure learning something new will only make the matter worse!

    1. Thank you :)

      A word of warning - Needle Felting is *very* addictive so only start if you are prepared to put everything else on hold lol!

  5. Your card is really lovely and I think quite unique. Would you be personalising them for individual customers? Lovely to see you at Handmade Monday.
    Ali x

    1. Hi Ali,

      Thank you :) I would like to be able to personalise them when I am ready to sell them but due to how long they take I think I would have to be clear about what can be personalised - definitly something to think about!


  6. what a great way to combine your crafting passions! i think he makes a fantastic card, full of character and like you say, a lovely 'touchy feeley' quality that people are sure to love :) x

  7. What a great idea to combine the two and it turned out really well :)

    1. Thank you! I am really pleased how he came out. He's a bit rough around the edges but it's a start!

  8. He made me smile! I'm sure that the more you do the quicker you will get. Great work.

    1. Thank you !I am glad he made you smile - he makes me smile too :)

  9. A great idea for a card. I love that you gave the character a name and job. It just adds to his charm :-)

  10. What an enchanting character! I love this. Great idea, great execution.

  11. Oh wow! I love him! I love his cross eyed expression! I've just come across your blog from Handmade Monday but I'll be back to see your new creations :-)

  12. He looks a great character, I like the detachable idea.
    I've never done this type of needle felt but it looks like it could be fun :)

